6 Quotes & Sayings By Victoria Denault

Victoria Denault is a nonfiction writer, memoirist and entrepreneur. She has been a student of the human experience since before she could read. In her first two years of college, she taught preschool and was a newspaper editor. When she graduated, she moved to New York City and worked as an editor for various magazines and newspapers Read more

She then began her career as a freelance writer, where she wrote for publications such as The New York Times and Village Voice, and almost exclusively for women's magazines. After years of writing non-fiction, Victoria began writing fiction in 2007. Her debut novel, The Woman Who Made A Deal with the Devil (2011), is a psychological suspense tale about a woman who discovers the secret behind the disappearance of her family members.

It was published by Random House and has been optioned for film. Her second novel, The Devil Inside (2012), was published by HarperCollins and made into the Lifetime TV movie "The Devil Inside". Victoria's third novel, The Messed-Up Fairy Godmother (2015) was initially self-published and then republished by HarperCollins in 2015

I want something real. Something that leads to something more than sex. Victoria Denault
She's been a barrel of bitchy monkeys since Jordan and I walked out of the Arrivals gate together earlier this afternoon. Victoria Denault
Sorry! I didn't mean to say that, " I mumble into the pillow next to her head." Oh."" No! I mean, I meant what I said. I just didn't mean to tell you. Victoria Denault
Congrats, buddy. It's going to be hysterical seeing you try to parent. You're a disaster."" Thanks, asshole, " he says, but he's smiling because he sees the humor in my expression." I hope it's a girl and she grows up to be hot like her mom because that'll make it even more hysterical, " I added and chuckle. "You're going to have to buy a baseball bat to keep the boys away."" Oh God, don't even joke about that, " he warns. . Victoria Denault
I scan the room. Bunnies are always the most plentiful in Canadian cities so I'm not shocked that the Vancouver hotel bar is flooded with them. A very cute blonde smiles when our eyes meet. I raise my beer at her as a hello but cut off any further interaction by turning back to Jordan. "I've probably fucked half this room already, " I reply since I recognize a few of the pretty faces. "I'm just taking a breather right now. I'm sure one day soon I'll feel like conquering the other half." He chuckles and shakes his head. "And here I was thinking maybe our little Alex was growing up. Victoria Denault